Antique Collectibles


If you are an antique collector, then you know that one of the most difficult things to do is to find specific antique items for your collection. This is especially true if you are just starting out and have no idea where to look for such items. However, there are quite a number of good sources both online and offline from which you can get leads and important information with regard to the antique items that you want to get.

Among some of the more traditional sources of antiques, flea markets continue to be some of the best sources of antique collectibles. This is because flea markets can offer some rare treasures to antique collectors and a wide selection of collectibles for collectors who may not have a specific item in mind. On the other hand, for antique collectors looking for specific items, one of the best places to search for antique items is the Internet, as there are a number of websites that can help them locate and purchase antique items.However, apart from providing collectors with leads on antique items, these web sites also provide information that can help collectors get the best prices for antiques and helpful information about antique items.

Other good sources of leads for antique collectibles are the different antique clubs and groups that collectors can join. Apart from allowing collectors gain access to helpful information with regard to the places where they can find antiques, clubs and groups can also provide collectors with the perfect opportunity to meet people who can give them tips that can help them grow and maintain their antique collections.



In collecting antiques, it is not an easy task to find specific antique items. Nowadays, there are a number of sources that collectors can tap to help them find some of the rarest antique items. Some of these include flea markets, the Internet, and antique clubs, all of which provide information on where antiques could be found and other helpful information as well.

Starting A Career In Antique Collection

Antique collection is a very exceptional hobby or to some, an extravagant diversion as cultivating such activity provides therapy, fun and involves a huge sum of money. Collection of items could be vary from anything such as miniature glass or tea sets, coins, mud pieces, clay articles such as vases, furniture clocks, memorabilia, etc. Antique collectors several decades ago were luckier as they were able to find antiques from digs and deep excavations of immense value compared to collectors nowadays because most finds come from shops and not from historical sites anymore and mostly are at exorbitant rates.

Because antiques are profitable, informed and educated buyers amass antiques of different kinds from coins to furniture, store them for a while and later sell it at a price way greater than the amount that they have originally paid for. Furthermore, pricing is difficult as one is not fully guaranteed a fair price.

How does one validate that such treasures are 100 years old or over? By visiting a local library, where records about the history, culture, civilization and the likes, a collector is given a bird’s eye view about the past and what kind of antique goods are expected. Certain books list some of the ancient relics and artifacts of a local community where possible antique goods are sold in antique shops.

Browse on the internet as there are a number of websites that offer helpful information regarding certain items’ detailed information. The internet also provides visuals where collectors are given a full view of the items in different angles. Furthermore, it lists some of the collectors’ names where meeting them personally is possible.

Visit museums and attend exhibits. Attending to various collectors’ activities and meeting collectors from all walks of life and age brackets broadens one’s perspective and knowledge with regards to collecting as experience is the best teacher in life and learning from an accurate perspective provides greater memory recall.

Find a reliable appraiser who can guarantee the authenticity of the item. Appraiser should be highly skilled so that they will be able to give accurate estimate of the monetary value of the antique. The internet, phone books and some local library lists some of the reputable antique appraisers.

Collecting antiques is a worthwhile activity and at the same time a profitable venture compared to being idle, aimlessly channeling time and attention to other purposeless pursuits thus wasting time, money and effort. As workplace is a source of a myriad of stress, amassing antiques is a stress-releasing encounter that provides enjoyment and fulfillment and not to mention the possibilities of a financial reward.

How To Start An Antique Collection

The literal meaning of antique is “old”. An antediluvian collection is a composite of old items, which are worth possessing because of certain unique features like antiquity, design, utility, rarity, craftsmanship and quality. The term antiques is used for items which are at least 50 to 100 years old. Ancient objects tell us stories about their time in history – throwing light on the life style of people when they were in use.

To start an Antique collection, one needs to indulge in some active ‘antiquing’. Antiquing has been defined as “the act of shopping, identifying, negotiating or bargaining for antiques”. This activity normally takes place in international auction houses, resort towns, garage sales, estate sales, antique districts, resort towns and collectives. Archaic items are also purchased for collection through antique dealers who are members of trade associations, auction services or purchased online through online auctions and websites. There is also a very dynamic trade association dealing with these items, called CINOA. It is a confederation of antique and art association across nineteen countries. CINOA is the representative of five thousand antique dealers.

Some new and inexperienced collectors of old objects tend to make impulsive purchases of such items based on mere face appeal. It is more advisable to acquire some knowledge of desirable old items, before embarking in building a well-rounded collection. Knowledge of the background of the items one purchases is an absolute must before making purchases for ones antique collection. This is because the value of old things varies according to time, place and object. For instance, a 25 year old automobile can be considered an antique, while a furniture item is required to be at least 150 years old to be tagged similarly.

One can learn a lot about antiquated art through collector’s magazines like collectors news, Antique Trader, Antiques and Collecting, Antique and Collectibles Journal. For those who are starting a new collection, regular visits to collectibles shows and conventions is highly recommended to create familiarity with the world of old objects. These shows impart a lot of information about different ancient items through seminars on many subjects like individual artists’ items, and companies. A serious collector can also become a member of any antique club, to gain knowledge through interactions with other collectors. The advent of the internet has also made it easy for a potential buyer to chat with other collectors for advice and sharing. Last but not the least; it is advisable for collectors to make a plan to build up their collection through study, experimentation and personal choice. However, the market value of antiques is determined by their utility, aesthetic appeal and social acceptability and not just antiquity.