Ameture Astronomy – A Beginner’s Introduction


How would astronomy mean to somebody who’s not knowledgeable about astronomy at all? They wouldn’t know that there are branches of astronomy and that there are various definitions of it yet they are all true in a way.

The common definition ascribed to it is that it is the study of the motion and movements of celestial bodies. While another definition states that it is the study of everything that’s moving outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Still some fanatics would say it is the study of everything since you are studying the universe here and everything is part of the universe.

It is also a given fact that astronomy is not a completely independent science. It is a combination of other areas of science such as mathematics, geology, physics, and a lot more. It would not be a surprise to you to know that astronomy is an ancient science. And that since centuries ago, priests and some holy men were known to practice it and they were key to every civilization. It was the Greeks who first came up with astronomy theories about the universe.

Here are some facts that you might want to learn as a beginner studying astronomy. These facts have been established throughout the years by the world-renowned astronomers, namely: Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, and Edmond Halley, among others.

Our galaxy called the Milky Way is only one of the 50 galaxies in the universe that form the Local Group or such loose cluster of galaxies in which the other popular galaxies as Andromeda galaxy and Triangulum galaxy are found. This Local Group is just a single member of the 2,500 galaxies in the universe. They all form what is called the Virgo Cluster. Virgo Cluster and the other galaxy groups are all part of the Local Supercluster. And that’s just the beginning as things grow bigger and wider.

To say the least, the universe is composed of about 100 billion galaxies and they are grouped into clusters and these clusters in turn are also grouped as superclusters.

But here’s a funny ironic fact about astronomy. With all its vastness of galaxies and superclusters, they all boil down into its basic component which is an atom-the atom that is the tiny nucleus surrounded by negative-charge electrons.

Now going back to our very own solar system; it is composed of nine planets and Pluto is more similar to a comet and appears to be very icy. The earth is the third planet from the sun. It is part of a group of planets called the terrestrial planets made up of Mars, Venus, and Mercury as well. They are all rocky in terrain and they are all dense.

A year’s length of a planet is dependent on its orbiting the sun. And the closer the distance of the planet to the sun is, the faster it orbits it. Thus to out it clearly, Pluto takes about 248 Earth years to completely orbit the sun.

Important Facts to Know About Astronomy

When man first landed on the moon, a large number of people still remained skeptic on the genuineness and authenticity of that particular human feat. In fact, in the then Russia, rumors were spread that the footage being shown about Neil Armstrong’s “giant leap for mankind” was just a Hollywood-made clip done to show that the United States is ahead in the race for the last frontier – space. But the accomplishment turned to be true and real, and space expeditions continued on. Man’s fascination of space has been on since time not remembered. In fact, if you ask kids on what they want they want to be when they grow up, on the top three of their list would be becoming an astronaut. But before you can be one, lay down that telescope and let us review some important facts about astronomy.

The word “astronomy” was coined by the combination of two Greek words, astron which means star and nomos which denotes law. There are two types of astronomy, observational – which pertains to observing, acquiring information, assessing these data and forming hypothesis based on standard Physics principle. The other type which is theoretical astronomy is concerned more on the production and development of analytical computer reproductions inputting basic Physics principle to rationalize and explain further the way celestial bodies move. Because of these two astronomy categories, facts about the heavens above were formulated and reached. Take these examples.

  • It takes 8 minutes before sunlight reaches the Earth. The sun is also the cause of the ever-changing world weather and the size of the ocean’s currents.
    • The sun, though massive in area, is just an average-sized star.
    • How about this important fact to know about astronomy, the lightning is more than twice blistering than the sun.
    • Some important facts to know about astronomy, specifically the moon – each year, the moon moves away from the earth by 3 centimeters.

 • The moon is the only other moving body in the universe that man has set foot on.
• As far as sailing and directions and astronomy is concerned, the north star, which is also known as Polaris, is the only star that does not move every night, and that is the sole reason why it is an invaluable tool in nautical transports.

  • Venus, in contrast with the other planets, is the only one that rotates in reverse, from east to west.
    • The planet Neptune has not completed an orbit around the sun since its discovery 150 years ago.

These are some important facts to know about astronomy and there are a lot more to discover since outer space is so vast.

Astronomy – A Lifelong Hobby

The enjoyment of astronomy can be lifelong or just a fad but a lot depends on how you have your first experience. The mysterious and celestial beauty of the universe that you can discover could lead to many hours of bliss but if there is no appropriate supervision, there can be many hours of frustration. So it is vital that you get the right and finest telescope that you can afford.

When you are just learning about astronomy, do not carry lofty hopes that the universe will open up to your curious exploration. Those that you see in glossy science magazines are attributable to high level telescopes that only scientist and astronomer get access to. The sparkling stars that we see at night are just the tip and astronomy can offer many insights to our fabulous universe.

As a beginner, look carefully before you purchase as some cheap telescopes have optics that are of inferior quality, offering you hardly any view. But with a good telescope, you can see the rings of Saturn and the disc of Jupiter. As you acquire more experience, you can make more sightings but don’t set unrealistic expectations such as able to pinpoint planets that you find in glossy magazine.

Before you venture further into astronomy, try to read magazines for instant “Sky and Telescope” to get a feel of how it is like. Astronomy is a joy and each finding add to your knowledge and satisfaction that our unsolved universe offer.

To the absolute beginner, you can start with binocular and then advance to a full telescope. The portability and cost is added appeal for anyone who is starting out. The basic telescopes usually come in reflecting and refracting types but reflecting types are less costly and permit you to view galaxies. Refracting telescope, in contrast allow you to observe planets and stars but considerably more costly.

As telescope is bulkier, you can support it on a tripod. When you are more experienced, you can attempt to look at different telescopes and find one that is the right fit for you. Getting a used telescope can build you from the ground up and the alternatives are many. Choose one that you are at ease with and you will be on your way to a lifelong hobby that astronomy can offer. The universe is infinite and mysterious and astronomy offers the opportunity to appreciate more of the existence of life and many of the unfathomable things that we are still trying to decipher.