
1. Dark Blue, Light pink, Glittery blue (optional) nail paints
2. White and Black acrylic paints 3. Thin brush
4. A piece of sponge

5. Liquid Tape or Fevicol.
6. Top coat


1. Paint your nails with the pink polish.

2. Apply liquid tape or fevicol on the skin around nails to prevent the mess.
Wait for it to dry. (If you are using fevicol, it is advised that you apply some lubricant before applying the fevicol. That would make it easier for fevicol to come off.)

3. Now take the piece of sponge and apply blue and pink nail paints on it as shown in Picture

4. Next Step is to press that sponge gently on the nails as shown in this pictures

Repeat this 2-3 times to get an ombre effect.

You will have to apply paint on the sponge again to repeat the process.
5. Next step is to mix water and black acrylic paint as told before and use a thin brush to create grass as shown in

6. Next step is to use black paint and thin brush to make the head and hair of the girl. For this make a round black spot and make it pointed from one end

7. To create the body of the girl, make a rectangle and add a small triangle type of shape to the left side of it which is pointed from the bottom left to make the dress of the girl.

8. Draw the legs of the girls as shown in

9. Now it’s time to draw the boy. For this make a draw a circle for the head of the boy

10. Draw a thin line to make the neck of the boy and then draw a rectangle for the body of the boy.

11. Draw the legs of the boy (Thicker than that of the girl.)

12. Now draw the hand of both of them making an inverted ‘V’. Make small dots at the Vertex of that ‘V’ to make it look like that they are holding hands.

13. Draw a circle using white colour for the moon

14. Draw small line around the moon for the stars

15. The last step is to apply top coat for the perfect finishing and peel off the liquid tape and it’s done.