Crafty Jute Work for Beginners


What is Jute Work?

Just in case you’re still unsure about jute (what actually is it?!) I’ll provide a brief introduction. Afterwards, we can get stuck in and look at how you can get started with jute craft work and even make an income from it!

Jute is a natural vegetable fibre. It’s nice and sturdy, and you can spin it into strong, coarse threads. The fibres come from the jute plant and are widely produced, with India taking the lead in production.

You’ve probably noticed jute being used as a brown paper bag to carry goods like grains, rice and wheat. It has loads of other crafty uses, too, so let’s see how you can try some jute craft work for yourself!

Jute Craft Ideas

You can decorate just about anything with a layer of jute, and it’s bang on trend too! Transform your household items with this rustic material for some unique, homemade effects. Jute will add texture and a stylish golden-beige colour to your items.

Here are just some ideas you can try.

  • Jute work wall hanging
  • Jute lamp shade
  • Jute bowl cover
  • Decorate chairs or vases with jute
  • Update a plain photo frame
  • Christmas decorations (spray paint silver or gold!)

Jute Work Tutorial

I’m going to provide one of the most simple jute work tutorials for the complete beginner. This decorative feature will only take a few minutes, will cost next to nothing, and will completely update your home furniture! Here, we’ll learn how to transform the handles on your wardrobe or chest-of-drawers, simply by wrapping them in some jute.

  1. Clean and paint the handles. Prepare the handles. Freshen them up before you add the jute. You can use bronze paint for that vintage feel, or anything glossy to cover up the old handles.
  2. Wrap the handles. All you have to do is grab a roll of jute and wrap it around the handles! Simple! Secure the jute with an under-over knot to start with, then simply wrap the thread tightly. Trim the jute if necessary, or tuck the tail underneath the wrapping. Paint some clear drying glue over the top to secure it. That’s all there is to it!

Why Try Jute Craft Work?

There are endless projects to try

I’ve provided less than 10 examples of ways you can use jute for decorative purposes. However, there are so many more options out there waiting to be explored! You can add jute to just about any of your existing furniture, or you can create something completely new with it.

This hobby is something you can really stick your teeth into. It will keep you entertained as you come up with new, creative jute work and you may end up surprising yourself when you discover what you can do with it.

Environmental benefits

Jute is widely available and is clean and easy to grow. When woven, it’s a durable material so will last you a long time without demanding too many resources from the planet. It also requires minimal chemical fertilisers and pesticides to grow.

Jute is biodegradable and even gives back to the environment. It absorbs up to 15 tonnes of carbon dioxide and lets off around 11 tonnes of oxygen! (for every one hectare of jute plants). Jute is recyclable and minimises the need for plastic.

Safe, comfortable and cheap

Woven jute can be comfortable enough to be used for clothing or bags. Jute is strong enough to carry loads of 12-15 kg, so is a better option than many other materials!

You can also buy it cheaply, making any home interior improvements a lot cheaper than buying at stores!

How to Make Money from Jute Work

Jute is an affordable fibre so it makes sense to get crafty with it! It’s cheap to begin jute craft work as the materials won’t cost you too much. Then, once you have the skills, you can sell your work to customers and watch your fibres spin a living for yourself!

You’ll notice that Pinterest is littered with cool ideas for jute work. Jute products are clearly in demand and consumers enjoy the craft, homemade feel that a jute product can offer. This is where you come in. Once you’ve mastered some jute work techniques, you can take your work to the internet and sell it!

I would suggest starting off on sites like Etsy. Etsy is an online marketplace specifically for those selling and buying homemade items. Etsy visitors are looking for something unique, so make sure that that’s what you can offer them!

For an added personal touch, I’d advise packaging your product in a jute bag that you’ve woven yourself. That way, your customers also receive a free re-usable bag whenever they buy something from you.

Jute work is a cheap and rewarding hobby. Create new products, or jazz up old items, and you’ll find that jute will last a lifetime! I’m sure you’ll fall in love with this new crafty art and the best thing about it?… It’s guilt-free! It won’t badly impact the planet or your purse!